Amanda George's domain - Fitbit 2024 reports

Amanda George's domain - Fitbit 2024 reports

This is the 2024 page with the 2024 spreadsheets and email reports. Like with the last 2 year's pages, I'm putting anchor tags in for each quarter's spreadsheets and email reports, so just click on the link and it'll hopefully whisk you down there like magic ;-)

This is Amanda's second full year as a young widow so Amanda is getting used to living alone!

1st Quarter

Email reports
1st Quarter
2nd Quarter
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter

Just click on each link to download the spreadsheet:

1st Quarter

1st to 7th January 2024

8th to 14th January 2024

15th to 21st January 2024

22nd to 28th January 2024

29th January to 4th February 2024

5th to 11th February 2024

12th to 18th February 2024

19th to 25th February 2024

26th February to 3rd March 2024

4th to 10th March 2024

Amanda has, frustratingly, somehow lost the ability to download weekly spreadsheets now, so as of 11th March 2024 there will only be the images, annoyingly.

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These are the weekly reports I get via email:

1st Quarter

1st to 7th January 2024

8th to 14th January 2024

15th to 21st January 2024

22nd to 28th January 2024

29th January to 4th February 2024

5th to 11th February 2024

12th to 18th February 2024

19th to 25th February 2024

26th February to 3rd March 2024

4th to 10th March 2024

11th to 17th March 2024

18th to 24th March 2024

25th to 31st March 2024

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2nd Quarter

1st to 7th April 2024

8th to 14th April 2024

15th to 21st April 2024

22nd to 28th April 2024

29th April to 5th May 2024

6th to 12th May 2024

13th to 19th May 2024

20th to 26th May 2024

27th May to 2nd June 2024

3rd to 9th June 2024

10th to 16th June 2024

17th to 23rd June 2024

24th to 30th June 2024

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3rd Quarter

1st to 7th July 2024

8th to 14th July 2024

15th to 21st July 2024

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4th Quarter

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