We're into the last quarter of 2020 now and the puppy is really starting to feel her age now, bless 'er. We only missed one walk this week (5th to 11th October) and squished the entire 'marathon Monday' stroll into one walk in the evening 'cos the puppy really didn't fancy getting out of her bed for the entire rest of the day. You can see the first walkies spreadsheet of the last quarter of 2020 here if you want to?

The puppy was at the vets this week, then with Steve's cousin and didn't react well to her new food, so we only managed 6 of our usual 14 walks this week (12th to 18th October). You can see this week's spreadsheet here if you want to?

The puppy spent a couple of days with Helen to try and get her teeth, thyroid and food sorted out, so we only managed 7 walks this week (19th to 25th October), but hopefully next week will be better. You can see the spreadsheet here again if you want to?

There won't be any more walking spreadsheets with Mitzi because she crossed the Rainbow Bridge on 5th November 2020. If we get another dog then I'll try and remember to put the spreadsheets up again, but this is the last update for this page.

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