My birthday (5th October) makes me a Libran and I reckon I'm pretty average for the sign. I strive for balance in all that I do and am. I hate disagreements and will avoid them at all costs, even if it means that I have to do things I don't like or want to do. I'm as stubborn as a mule which can either be seen as positive or negative, especially if it's something I'm passionate about. I'm determined and the more passionate about whatever it is that I am, the more determined I become.

Librans are air signs and their opposite sign of the zodiac is Aries. Apparently I'm ruled by Venus which is the planet of love, beauty and money. Could have done with more help in the beauty and money areas! lol

I'm as indecisive as they come, too. It took me getting on for 15 minutes to decide to make this page out of all the others that are currently (23rd June 2019) un-written. I know I want to make the pages, but which one do I do first??

I'm glad that Librans like ivory, pink and light blue 'cos light blue is my favourite colour and has been my entire life!

This site has a lot more info about fellow Librans if you want to go and have a look?