I recently got a reading from Ask-Angels and I definitely recommend getting a reading for yourself!!

The questions I asked were
1) Are my children happy where they are?
2) What are the names of my Guardian Angel and Spirit Guides?
3) I've been disabled for about 10 years... will I ever find out what my diagnosis is?

This is what Archangel Metatron said in reply! Get comfy because this is long!

"Greetings dear Amanda,
I am Archangel Metatron here with you know. Know dear one that you area deeply loved, indeed you are surrounded with angels now and with white light. Allow your mind at this time to be quiet and still, drop your awareness into your heart and allow your heart to open. As you do this there may be emotions that bubble up... let this be OK, you are reconnecting with your heart, and the unconditional love of your angels may be overwhelming at first. Feel this love, allow it into your life, and as you open your heart to allow more light in, more love into your life you may begin to feel your energy lift, as your vibration increases... this increase in vibration is a gift, and will allow you to feel and to sense, to experience the higher realms of unconditional love, and the energy spiritual angelic beings who are with you now... and always close by. Breath deep, and feel the love energy swirling all around you now. Good!

1. Your children are indeed happy where they are now. It looks like you are still closely tied to them energetically, to the point that when you are feeling happy and experiencing joy they too feel this energy. When you succumb to ego, and doubt and fear... they are affected by this in that they are very aware of you. Their energy is close to you still, and they want nothing more than for your ultimate happiness, they look in on you often, these highly evolved souls... overall they are very joyful and happy. They are contributing greatly at this time to the energetic shifts that are happening on Earth. They are working from the other side (from the realm of spirit) to anchor more love and light into this earth. This is a great part of their current mission, and indeed it is being fulfilled. Remember, that you are closely tied... their spiritual energy is near you often. Treat yourself lovingly, and follow your joy... in doing this you are assisting them in experiencing the love and light that is their truth.

2. You have three main angels who are near or with you always. These are beings of light, who help to illuminate your Highest and best possible path in life. Chamuel, Raziela, and Epona. They have a great deal of love for you and are saying the simple words now "Amanda, follow your joy". It is through Joy, and love that you do activate and gain access to your true path, potentials and power. You also have a main guide, who has lived and evolved on Earth and who is qualified to help you through the transition you are undergoing. The name of this guide will come to you in a dream, know that your dream time is very real, and somewhat within your control. Set intentions before you fall asleep, intentions to clearly learn the wisdom of the spiritual realms, ask your guide to introduce herself to you in your sleep also. She will appear before you, she is light filled and so loving. You worked together before you decided to be born into the physical, and she stayed behind in the higher realms to lead and guide. When the timing is right you will know her name, her light, and together you will anchor a great deal of light energy into the physical. Prepare for this, by allowing yourself to open to your inner world. Meditate, quiet your ego, and know that from within your heart, you are and always will be free.

3. In regards to your disability, from our perspective in the Angelic realm, it is less important for a physical diagnosis... and more important to see how you respond to the challenge of disability in your life. You are a very highly evolved soul, and this disability was your choice, for it presents you with a grand opportunity to practice compassion and unconditional love towards all.. even those who do not treat you with this same level of kindness. The truth of who you are is far more than a physical being. Your soul has lived many lifetimes and gained a great deal of strength, wisdom, and specialized skill. Know that these spiritual gifts and abilities are becoming available to you in this life now. Each time you choose to demonstrate love towards yourself, and towards others... your heart opens and it is from an open heart that you lift and open... your DNA is activated and the gifts that you possess begin to manifest in your world. You will find dear Amanda that your innate ability to clearly see and hear divine love will be much more rewarding to you... than knowing the physical causations of your disability. This physical condition is a prerequisite for you, it is an opportunity for learning and growth, a contrasting experience to balance out the immense love and light you are going to be opening to and experiencing in the near future.

It is my recommendation at this time that you shift your focus, and your perspective from seeing yourself as a disabled physical being, into seeing yourself as an Integrated Spiritual Master. This is ultimately who you are becoming, and as you open to this inner spiritual truth you will find that the challenges and hard times in life, the struggles from being disabled will fade away as you experience yourself and your body from a new perspective. All is divine, and you are here on earth for a specific purpose. The growth opportunity you have now far exceeds any past life experience you have had, and believe me when I say that leading up to this point you have evolved, and grown a great deal.

Tap into the divine wisdom and light frequency that is yours. You are a divine being, and as you open your heart to more clearly experience this truth, your physical disability will improve (as your inner world, your mind and your thoughts become more clear and light filled)

I say to you dear one it may seem far off now, but the time when your body will again function as a beacon of light is near. You are here to help with the shift of the ages. Humanity and Earth,and the Universe are evolving and becoming more aware. Open now to your inner truth and light, so that you will be ready to assist individuals around the world in making this transition. You are a way shower and a highly evolved being. Your physical body is in the perfect condition to support your desired growth, and opening to more light and as you do this you will find that yes, the nuisances of disability will also fade away.

Trust dear Amanda that all is Divine. Keep looking inside of yourself, opening your heart and opening to more light and you shall accomplish your lifes purpose, you will live on this Earth, in a physical body and yet fully aware and connected to the Divine Being that represents the truth of who you are.

Your guides and angels support you in this process. Trust, ask for help, and keep going.

You are deeply, deeply loved.

Goodbye for now,

Archangel Metatron"

You have to admit that is a long and detailed reading considering Archangel Metatron only had 3 sentences to go on and I was so undetailed in my questions that the reading couldn't possibly have been a guess or whatever!!

Get yourself a reading (follow the links above the reading) and you'll be impressed too!