I've been Pagan for a few years now but still consider myself to be a newbie to the religion.

When someone asks for prayers I'm happy to oblige and I thank my Gods and Goddesses every night but yesterday (Monday 29th July 2013) we had a Virgin Media bloke come over to fix our digibox between 8am and 12 noon. Steve had a Skype call with his work yesterday morning that I didn't know anything about until literally 5 minutes before it happened.

I sent out a quick request to my Higher Powers as soon as I found out about Steve's call and it was very very minor in the grand scheme of things so didn't expect much but it was answered!

I asked that the bloke didn't come while Steve was talking to his work colleagues.

Steve eventually finished his call at 11.30 and the Virgin bloke arrived at 11.45 and said he got stuck in traffic! I took Mitzi into the kitchen and said a huge thank you to my Higher Powers.

You may be saying that it's coincidence but there is very little traffic on the road during the working week and it wasn't rush hour or anything like that, there were no accidents or hold ups on the road so where did the delay come from?

My Higher Powers!

I realise that you may not share my beliefs and that's totally OK, but I believe my Higher Powers answered my request yesterday!

There really is something powerful looking out for us - we just need to believe!